Get Savvy Custom Presentations

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Trainings  |  Seminars  |  Retreats  |  Special Meetings  |  Break-outs  |  Kick-offs

Whether you have just a few hours or a few days, Billi will design and deliver unique customized content for your event. In addition to exceptional speaking skills, Billi is a master at creating just the right tone; from a bit serious to celebratory to a call for action, she always leaves the audience with many insightful “ahas”, equipped with immediately applicable information and in the right mood for the occasion.

Drawing on her 25 years of international experience as a speaker, radio commentator, columnist and student of Savvy, Billi spices any of the chosen topics with humor, fascinating stories, examples hot off the national press and inventive effective exercises.

The following list highlights just a few Topics delivered with a unique savvy twist ensuring your audience receives the essential, but rarely discussed social, economic and political insights and skills needed to succeed in today's complex, fast paced and every changing world.

Topic Examples:
Office Politics and Corporate Culture
Power and Principled Leadership
Artful Influencing
Creative Negotiating
Gender, Diversity and Generational Challenges
Strategic Focus
Team Effectiveness and Savvy Play
Internal Barriers and External Pitfalls
Choices and Consequences
Building a Network That Delivers
Changing or Enhancing a Legend


Decreased Frustration
Improved Performance
Enhanced Awareness
Appropriate De-Personalization
Effective Strategies
Increased Vigor